Sometimes we all get curious about what is manifesting or what we may be blocking with our limiting beliefs. In this 3D time-space reality, it takes about 30 days of being in a certain emotion, (e-motion = energy in motion), before we see the results of how we have been vibrating. With the help of Sophia and my Mermaid Tarot cards, I am able to feel the emotion or energy present that is vibrating in each area of your life and express it back to you. The tarot cards are ancient vibrational tuning forks. The cards allow me to read the energy of the questions put to them. I am then able to guide you by showing you what reality is most probable based on the energy of the reading. I can help to identify any blockages in your personal belief systems that may allow you to manifest the things that you desire. A full "Compass of the Cosmos” 5-card reading will show me the dominant point of attraction in your energy field in the different areas of your life. The cards will display your:
I can also provide a shorter 3-card past, present, and future reading to see the energy points of attraction of what’s manifesting for you. I also recommend you ask about yourself as the cards will identify what is active in your energy field that would be allowing or holding you apart from your manifestations. While I do have a gift and ability to see into someone else’s energy field, I do all my readings from the standpoint that there is one God Source Energy and we are all equal. We get to be the creators here on earth based on the thoughts that we choose to think. Prior to your reading, I will connect with and be fully tuned in a state of vibrational alignment and Source energy. Sophia will guide me in explaining any law of attraction principles and understandings that will best benefit you. Using these insights, you will be able to manifest your own experiences and realize you are always in control. No matter where you are now or what it my look like, we will show you how to get to where you want to be. |